unmistakably glad to have another few hours

together, even though they had already said their goodbys. Another night out together was uncomfortable but only because the evening must end and the goodbyes be said again.

Seemingly by mutual consent, the two young people who liked each other so much hardly touched beyond holding hands. An occasional hug or squeeze of the fingers or a meeting of their eyes, simple as it was, communicated paragraphs between them during the evening.

The dinner club offered various entertainment before and after the meal, and dancing later. There was a mediocre comic, and fairly good singer, both mercifully short acts. After an excellent steak dinner the surprisingly good dance band struck up some conventional music, modern but not brassy, and it was soft enough that people sitting at the same table didn't have to destroy their vocal cords just to be heard. Chris sat out most of the time, somewhat nervous about her lack of experience at the fine art of ballroom dancing, and not just from the female point of view either. However, she got up her nerve and danced with Bob once, then accepted Ron's encouraging offer a couple of times. They hardly spoke as she folded into his arms with a natural grace and ease that surprised them both as he guided her gracefully across the floor. Chris discovered that it was deceptively easy to let her feet follow his subtle body language, like a ship following a beacon at sea, and it was even easier when she relaxed, so she did. Then she also found that the simple act of dancing slowly around the floor in his arms, her head on his broad shoulder, arms locked about his neck, was enough for her. She felt again the excited stirrings deep within her breasts but the sensation was different, as if to say 'being so close to the man I care so much about is a form of


"Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you, dadadadada," he sang off key and chuckled. "Haha," Chris smirked. She stroked his wet cheek passionately with lacquered fingertips. "Good night, my darling."

"Good night, sweet princess," he responded, releasing her ever so slowly, then adding a courtly bow.

Chris blew him a quick kiss which he caught as she turned away, quickly entered and closed the door, then leaned against the entry wall and sobbed, fat crocodile droplets streaming down her cheeks as she listened to Ron's car start up and pull away. Several long deep breaths later Chris climbed the stairs with leaden feet, entered her room and very slowly undressed for bed, all the while painfully conscious of the small chatter and noises eminating from across the hall. Later Chris lay beneath the covers, fervently wishing for Ron's body there beside her and feeling the now familiar erotic warmth growing in her bosom. Her breasts were hot swollen melons as she reached up and rubbed at the engorged nipples. Almost immediately there was a small volcanic explosion deep in her loins. Automatically one hand found her groin and, having found before that her thumb was a passable substitute for Ron's manhood, she buried it between her legs. Not many minutes had passed before this beautiful young 'new' woman, for the first time, discovered the incredible all-consuming pleasure of auto-erotic orgasms. Masturbation, female version. WOW! FANTASTIC! it's this good this way, what's it like with a man? Chris knew she had to find out at her earliest opportunity.



Sunday was a cool and clear June day, perfect for anything, even travelling. Chris rose early after a restless night, and had consumed a hearty breakfast and finished packing before her hosts